How do you handle a toddler throwing temper in public? Do you yell at him? How do you handle this situation?

It depends on what your "parenting style" is, and how you choose to react. I'm thankful that my son is just cheeky, not entirely "naughty", so he seldom throw tantrums or "behaves badly" - there are times that he does get out of hand too, but he quickly "recovers" from it! I'd say that not many parents would agree/understand my way of parenting, but they are just a few years old so they don't really understand that much logic/concepts yet. The first thing I'd do is always try to speak nicely in a calm manner - one of the reasons parents quickly yell/scold/beat their child is because they feel "embarrassed" that their child is behaving like that in public. There's nothing wrong with tantrums because they're just trying to tell you something! I'll carry him/get down to his eye level and try to talk to him, and I'd just keep a calm but affirmative tone for him to calm down else I won't want to talk to him in that manner - and he'll stop. If he does respond, then ask what's wrong - if your child can't talk yet, all you could do is assume the situation. Acknowledge his feelings BEFORE you address the issue, even if you know he can't reply you - you have to keep calm and let him know that you are trying to understand him and solve problems together (not about the tantrum, but what caused the tantrum). I try to do gentle/peaceful parenting as much as possible, so I'm one of those mums who talk things through and may seem like a "helicopter mum" (or maybe I am haha). But when my son still doesn't calm down, I'd just give him a stern "please behave yourself", then carry him out of the place and I'd just keep quiet until he calms down before talking to him again. Whatever you do, whether you agree with me or not, please do NOT publicly scold/beat your child!
Read moreNo, don't yell especially in public. It's just not good... for example, how would you like it when someone yell at you in public with everyone else staring, it's disrespectful and bad example... a toddler is currently in a learning state, whatever you did to them such as yelling etc... they will take note and learned from there, possibly using that act in the future :( So, best to talk it out... tell him / her what to do and what not to do in public. I usually will talk in a soft loving tone and it works.
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when my son yell in public, either me or my husband will bring him to one corner and let him calm down. if it still doesnt work, we will wrap up our shopping quickly & bring him home.
I gave my toddler time to calm himself down. I tell him to cry out whatever that makes him feel angst. Then i offer him drink and hug.
If he wants to throw temper, give him space. Tell him to talk to u when he is ready and then reason out with him. :)
Westerners might not approve of this but this is always a solid method:
Don't yell. Instead take them to an aside and calm them down and explain why the tantrum won't work.
No never yell at your child in public. Best to go to a corner with him and explain to him nicely
Don’t yell at them. They are still exploring learn how you can direct them with other things