Pregnant again
I am pregnant again with nombor 5 but i just gif birth 4 mths ago. Should i be ashame? I didn’t know how to feel.

This is your family and your choice, you should not feel ashamed about your baby. If it were me I will ignore what other people say as they don't know my circumstances. However if you feel like you had been irresponsible to yourself and your family, learn from this and do better next time. Nobody is perfect, we just have to make the best of every situation.
Read moreAlhamdulillah ☝! you shouldn't feel ashame sister, it's a gift from Allah, his blessings and provisions are also from our offsprings. wallahu a'lam, but don't feel sad or bad about it, just do your best for your Family. my du'aa to make your affairs easy, Ameen. ❤❤❤
Congratulations !! There’s nothing to be ashamed of. And if someone passes any comment, just ignore and move on. Accidents happen. And as long as you and your husband are ready to take up a new responsibility together, all’s good. Good luck 👍🏼🙏🏼
while it is a blessing indeed, ill still consider my financial status and if i have the capabilities to provide for the child. for me one is enuf and ill make sure i use contraceptive to prevent having too many kids
Congrats! I taking care of 1 toddler n currently 3 months pregnant with my already dying. How u manage 4? As long as u can take care of ur kids n they are happy thats the only thing that matters❤
no need to be ashamed if u can afford to give them all your attention and fully support them responsibly. some other couples even have problems to conceive or suffer miscarriages.
Congrats u have no 5 on the way ....i have a 4yr old and pregnant 3 months with number 2 and im dying tired! As long as your kids happy n healthy thats all that matters
Congrats! Ur one chosen 1 to be Supermom. Not evryone is gd @ owning & dealing with kids. It may sound tough to face everyone but at the end of the day. Ur one winner!
Why should you be ashamed? Don’t bother what people might think! This is your family, your choice, your body. Rezeki! Alhamdulillah! Congrats! 💜
aww congrats! nothing to be ashamed about. God blessed us in different ways. he blessed you with another baby... May god ease your affairs/journey...