Breastfeeding qualms

Anybody else facing issues with breastfeeding similar like mine? Currently 4weeks pp and I'm getting kind of tired(mentally & physically)keeping up with the pumping schedule & latching at the same time. Adding on to the issue that I'm a low supply mum as well. Only able to yield 30ml from both breasts in 1 session. People say that the milk will kick in eventually and I have been eating lactating cookies, lactating tea, milk boosters, drinking 2l of water but doesn't seem to boost milk much. Also spending all that money to boost my milk ultimately is way more than just buying formula. Which is kind of counter productive for me because at the end of it my bmilk is still so little, haha. I've been latching bb on demand but still topping up with formula because she will cry after every session. And she will cry murder. Doesn't help that bb still can't latch well so I'll have pain/soreness/cracked/bleeding nips after latching her 😮‍💨 (Yes, I've apply nipple cream before after bf) People around me have been questioning why my bmilk is not much and I don't know how to answer that? Maybe you can ask my boobs or something? Such a sucky feeling knowing my friend is able to yield 150ml per pump session just 2days pp. I just want to cry knowing this. I hate that breastfeeding is put on such a high pedestal in the society such that if you as a mum is not able to do it, you will be seen as a failure. Hais. Maybe I'm just exhausted and need 24 hour sleep to shake off this feeling. #firstbaby #justranting #postpartum

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hi mummy, I'm going through the EXACT same experience as you are (except that my LO has a good latch but still, I only managed 30ml from both breasts after 1 session of 20mins). I'm approaching 3 weeks PP and 2 days ago, I've decided to give up on breastfeeding because it's causing me too much stress (crying almost every day and I've tried everything: from power pumping, pump after latching, breast massage, to lactation cookies, to 2 nuts guys etc 👉 nothing works) the turning point: the harder I try to increase my milk supply 👉 the more desperation & stress I felt 👉 the more I don't want to take care or be near to my baby (my resentment towards this new journey grows). That is something that worries and scares me. I love my LO but breastfeeding is causing me all the stress & negative thoughts and feelings, so I choose formula-fed. My LO needs me, so I need to take care of myself in order to be there for him, so I choose my sanity (having enough sleep, mental & emotional health). Fed is best. Others can say or ask whatever they want, but this is your child. and your child needs you, so do what's best for you, so you can be there for your child. You don't need validation from anyone else, even if they are family. hope my experience will be of some support to you :) giving up breastfeeding doesn’t make you less of a mum. You are doing great! take care 🧡

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2y trước

Hi Mummy, thank you for this, I really resonate with what you've mentioned. Especially the resentment towards baby 😭 Can I know how how did you stop the pumping sessions? Did you do it gradually or immediately. I'm afraid of getting engorged if I stop the pumping session abruptly. I'm going to proceed with just latching on demand instead.

I went through the same situation as you, and at 4weeks PP, I decided to give up on breastfeeding. It was causing me alot of stress, to the extent that I was constantly having high BP. Before giving birth, I had a plan - which was to total breastfeed. I read up on breastfeeding, went for childbirth courses, bought breast pumps, milk storage bags, etc. After bb was delivered, I struggled hard with breastfeeding. Having constant thoughts on why I don’t have enough milk supply, engaged 2 different lactation consultant, stressing over people’s comment. I was sensitive over every comment that ppl made, such as “can afford to gain more weight”, “doesn’t seem to grow much” At that point of time, I was combination-feeding. I felt that I was obsessed with the idea of breastfeeding, and wanted to make it work no matter what. My LO milk intake started to increase, and she started to fuss whenever I breastfeed her - perhaps due to slow flow/low milk supply. It honestly pains me to see that, even more than the fact that I couldn’t fully breastfeed her. After making peace with myself, and deciding to stop, I’ve never been happier. I felt that I’m able to do more and spend more time with my LO. I hope you have the strength to get through this. ❤️

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2y trước

Thank you so much for sharing your experience. This definitely made me feel better than before 🙏🏻 Can I find out how did you drop the pump sessions? Was it done gradually or abruptly. I was thinking of switching to just latching on demand instead. But afraid would get engorged from not pumping

Hi mama, congratulations on your newborn! ☺️ I was a low supply mum and to make it worse, I didn’t fed myself well during confinement cause the food sucks. Baby couldn’t latch well and I’m pumping 30~60ml or lower. I was mixed feeding baby till 2M when I’m slowly getting used to waking up more frequently and in the MOTN of pump. Not to forget, I had 2 episodes of mastitis in a month, really felt like hell. Don’t be too hard on yourself. Stress is a milk killer. Not enough milk? No problem, top up with formula. Mommy’s sanity is very important as well. As long as baby is fed, human milk or cows milk doesn’t matter. Try to cover up the pump while pumping. Stop being bothered by the amount. Eat well, drink well and most importantly sleep well. And for people who even had the cheek to ask you why or judge you, just get rid of them already. They obviously don’t know how hard is breastfeeding. How much will and motivation we need despite constant lack of sleep, swollen nipples, mastitis, planning around pump time etc.

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2y trước

Agree on this comment. The BMSG group can be a little extreme whenever you mention using formula. Unless you're headset on taking the breastfeeding journey, better to join other support groups

You can look up Breastfeeding Mothers’ Support Group (Singapore) on Facebook for more support - it’s very active and there’s a lot of experienced volunteers on there. Other tip that I have is to try domperidone. While all the other supplements like lactation cookies, fenugreek, lecithin etc have no clear evidence, domperidone is known to increase prolactin which boosts milk supply. You’ll need a doctor’s prescription - a GP can also prescribe. Helped me a ton. That being said, you’re trying really hard as a mom and that’s all that matters. There’s no shame in feeding formula and ultimately you want your baby to grow up healthily after being full from all the feeds. Ignore the naysayers

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Every breastfeeding journey for mummy will be different. It could be of any factors that milk supply can be low. If you have done the best to increase supply yet it is still the same then dont be disheartened. You have definitely did your best as a mum to your little one. Dont bother what others said or if they compare. It is just certain society feelings and thoughts are like that. They dont research neither understand why this happened and not being sensitive with this issue. I have my masseuse's DIL who has low supply and she did her best but still the same. She ended with formula milk for her daughter. Cheer up mummy!

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