Very little breastmilk output despite efforts

Could some people just not have enough breastmilk to feed baby? I've spent so much money on lactation massages, consultants, cookies, tea, juice, food, pumps and I am still pumping no more than 70ml each session. Wanted to bf baby exclusively partly because we wanted to save money on fm. Turns out that the few thousand dollars I spent is more than sufficient to buy 100 tins of fm. I'm so tired and depress and demoralise each time i see the output after pumping. Baby keeps crying because i can't produce enough milk for her.

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Oh dear! May I know how often you pump, and how old your baby is! Don’t be so stressed out over the output. I know it can be hard to not be stress about it, but the more stress you are the lesser milk you will produce. My milk supply dropped more than double during last year CB period, cause I have to juggle in between housework, my job and my baby. Everyday is a struggle, and my milk just keeps on dropping. So don’t stress so much about your milk supply. Maybe in the mean time you can give FM while trying to build your supply? It doesn’t have to be a permanent thing. Just until you can produce enough, if ure still insisting on bf.

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Yeah i try to latch baby as much as i can! May I know if there is an ideal duration of latch time i should achieve a day?

Drink lots of water. I know it’s hard but try not to stress about it. And continue to just pump/latch. Hang in there mummy!!!!

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don't feel stressed cause stress can affect output. just give whatever you have and top up with FM.

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Drink a lots of plain water or drink goat milk

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try to relax, drink more water and latch