Any tricks for burping baby when she is fast asleep? My baby is almost 2 months. She doesn't burp when she is totally knocked out asleep. Even after I try for about 20 minutes, my little one is fast asleep.

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Did you feed her when she was very relaxed? Babies generally don't take in a lot of air when they are relaxed during feeding. So for example no burping is required if we dreamfeed. If they are asleep they also don't burp. To burp they have to be awake. If it's in the middle of the night then I try not to burp her in case she awakes and doesn't go back to sleep. What I do is I burp her in between and especially at the last ounce. Place her back to sleep sideways if you can. Since she did not burp there is a higher chance of spit up. Putting her sideways will allow the regurgiated milk to flow out without choking her. Do monitor her if during her sleep she tries to stretch or fusses, then that could be the time she wants to burp.

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Don't put her over your shoulder and tap for the burp, that's a natural way of them falling asleep too. Put her in a upright sitting position on your lap and your hand under her chin to support the head and keep back straight upright while holding under the chin and gently tap with your palm of your hand especially under the right rib be careful as there lungs are on the same spot too. Hope it works for you as it does for me xx

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Then just let her sleep. My baby doesn't burp all the time too. You can burp her in the day as well. If she seems perfectly comfortable, leave her be. You could also change your burping position to see if she burps.

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If your baby was breastfed, it's absolutely normal for the baby to not burp. So if the baby is fast asleep without burping, its completely fine. Let her rest.

If she is asleep without burping try to prop up the baby abit in an inclined position to prevent vomiting milk.

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