Burping baby
Hi. I'm a BF mum. My baby often latch on me and fall asleep. Sometimes I skip the burping part because I don't wanna wake baby up. But she kept spitting out milk. I've asked polyclinic during monthly checkup and they advised to burp after every feed. Whenever I tried, she didn't burp either. Like very hard to make her burp 😅 she kept farting though. I will feel guilty whenever I skip the burping part or didn't manage to make her burp..b

Hi there! I totally understand where you're coming from. It can be really tricky to burp a baby, especially when they're so cozy and sleepy after nursing. But it's great that you've reached out for advice. First off, don't feel guilty about struggling to make your baby burp. It's completely normal, and every baby is different. Some babies just don't burp easily, and that's okay. It's also common for babies to spit up a little milk, even if you do burp them, so try not to worry too much about that. One thing you can try is different burping positions. Instead of just holding your baby against your shoulder, you can also try sitting them on your lap and supporting their chest and chin with your hand while gently patting or rubbing their back. Another position to try is laying your baby face down across your lap and gently patting their back. If your baby is farting, that's a good sign that the gas is moving through their system, even if they're not burping. You can also try some gentle tummy massage to help with gas and digestion. And if your baby falls asleep without burping, that's okay too. You can always try to burp them again after they wake up, or if they seem uncomfortable or gassy. Just know that you're doing a great job, and it's all a learning process for both you and your baby. Hang in there, and remember that every baby is unique, so find what works best for your little one. Keep up the good work, mama! 😊 https://invl.io/cll6she
Read moreMy baby is liek that! His spit ups were so often, after every feed and a few times at that. Like you, he latches to sleep so I didn't want to wake up and also tiring having to put him back to sleep 😴 I called the lactation hotline and they said it's fine if baby is not burped often. But nowadays I cannot stand the spit ups so I make effort to burp him. Since he needs to be kept upright after every feed, I put him against my body and just try to burp him for like 15mins. It really makes a lot of diff, lesser spit ups and fewer bedsheets changes now 😂
Read moreHi!!!! My baby is exactly like yours. My thirdborn. She is 1yr plus now and still latching to sleep. When shes younger, i think same goes to my secondborn, they will fall asleep while latching. All the time, whthr naptime or to sleep for the nite. And no, i wont wake them up to burp and ill feel guilty. But as time goes by, theyre actually ok. Bcz i will immediately try to burp them when theyre awake. And yes if thrs farts and they dont really burp, it means theyre ok too.
Read moreI’m totally with you. Burping is a chore to me haha maybe the harder we tried the harder it becomes. Recently I found placing baby on our shoulder with her stomach pressing down can helps to burp. Mainly is press onto her stomach to burp. If baby didn’t drink a lot, I realize it’s difficult to burp too.
Read moreBurping is never easy… keep trying many different ones and you’ll find your sweet spot