sleeping with pacifier

my lo is 2mth n she can only fall asleep sucking her pacifer (90% of the time) and when she is asleep she gets irritated or even wakes up when i remove her pacifier. if she in deep sleep and pacifer ownself drop out she will fidgit a lot and cry. any babies similar? shld I just let lo continue sleeping w pacifier?? worried she hungry but will just suck pacifier

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Pacifier is comforting to the baby. She will cry naturally when hungry so no need to worry too much

Super Mom

It's OK, just let her use the pacifier.. She will still cry for milk if she is hungry.

Super Mom

Hi mummy, it's fine. Pacifier is a sleep prop that helps babies to sleep :)

Hi think she sucking pacifier for comfort.. Nt to worry too much :)

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It's fine, just let her suck e pacifier(: