Swollen gums
3months pregnant. My gum is swollen i can barely sleep. What medicine can i eat?

Seek ur gynae for assistance. They will prescribe u medication and u can purchase it at any pharmacy. Of cos if it’s bearable. Avoid it. I try not to take medicine during pregnancy even if I have slight throat pain.
Keep rinsing mouth and take honey water. Some mummy to be will have gum prob for the whole pregnancy. It will be fine after birth. If it gets too unbearable, tell ur gynae and they can advise u
i had similar prob - i had bleeding gums during my 2nd tri and i went to my dentist. it is perfectly safe to visit the dentist during pregnancy. just inform them beforehand, just in case
I avoided taking any meds eventhough paracetamol is save to take. I garggle with salt water in the morning and mouth wash at night, daily until the swell subside.
Gargle with salt water should help. You may also consider to take manuka honey.