My 3.5m/o LO has been rejecting milk bottles (I have tried a few different types but he only wants direct latch) and doesn't allow anyone to carry him but me. What should I do with the above 2 situations since I am going back to work soon and he will be going to infant care? Should I leave it and hope that things will naturally improve once he starts infant care? TIA

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It's common for DL babies to reject bottles by the age of 8 weeks onwards. Try to leave your house during feeding time for say 3hrs, experiment with different bottle teats (Nuk latex teat worked for mine), get someone else to bottle feed him. Babies are smart. They will definitely choose their Mummies when she's around but they will not starve themselves. They may reject bottles and fuss for awhile, but when faced with the fact that there's no other option other than to take a bottle, they will. Just be prepared that they will consume less than normal, because they're only drinking for 'survival' instead of taking the full feed. They may latch on more often at night too to make up for the reduced consumption in the day, aka reverse cycling. It's normal and they will adjust back to normal drinking habits over time.

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