how to calm down baby when they cry out loud?

my 3 weeks old baby keep cry out loud during afternoon. we alr feed him, check diapers n hug him...

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My LO cried every night the first month too. We suspect its colic (my mum told me to tap on his tummy gently; if theres this hollow drum sound = gas in stomach). And doctor prescribed Ridwind. We gave him whenever necessary. And sometimes he only feel better after vomiting (like merlion). The first few vomits were scary. But just tell yourself and your LO that everything will be fine if he vomits it out.

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Super Mom

It could be colic. My baby has colic when she was 3 weeks old. Tried many ways but nothing can calm her down. I couldn't take it and brought her to see the PD. PD prescribed ridwind and probiotics for her. I did massage for her every single day and burp her to get rid of the wind. My baby is turning 2 months old soon and her condition has improved.

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6y trước

ok, thanks for sharing. We will keep monitor him and we alr have the ridwind standby at home.

Was there a change in the environment? Maybe sudden glare from afternoon sun, new surroundings, loud noises etc could have trigger his discomfort besides colic. Try using some window shades, play some music in the background or light massage on his arms and thighs to calm him. Hope he recovers soon :)

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Thành viên VIP

Check if the baby needs burping or diaper change. If none of above reasons, it can be needing attention or nap, so u will have carry and pat the baby gently to pacify him. Speaking from my experience. :)

Thành viên VIP

Try humming some soft music and baby wear.