When should you talk to your kids about death?

Is 3 too young?

When should you talk to your kids about death?
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Unless it’s absolutely necessary, ie someone passed away in the family, I prefer not to discuss this topic to a 3 year old. If needed, I would tell him the person who passed away has gone to heaven, a much better place where the dead person will always be healthy and happy

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Death is part of our life. I think i told my boy when he was 2 +... and we will explain more and more when he saw the funeral or even if he saw the insect was not moving or died...

I feel like you can wait a little longer, do it when there’s an opportunity, perhaps with owning a pet one day. We can let them live their childhood for a bit

There is no right or wrong age. When they ask you should be honest. We spoke about death after my kid watched lion king and musafa the father lion died

Super Mom

Maybe get them a small pet like hamster, hamsters only live for 2-3 years so you can talk about it when the time comes

Super Mom

I'd wait till he/she ask out of curiousity. Perhaps start of life cycle of insects/animals.

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A bit young but no harm talking to them about it now as kids are really smart ...

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You don’t have to so early. Gradually in the later years

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Same, when they ask, I'll talk to them regarding it

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I'll talk to my kids when the time comes.