My 2month old hasnt poop in 3 days
My 2 month old used to poop several times daily since born but past 3 days he hasnt pooped. Kept letting out gas which stinks though. He is 80% breast fed and supplemented with formula. Anyone face this problem? Should I be concerned?

I have just seen a pd for similar issue as boy didnt poop for 5 days, was told it is ok, usually max is 1 week 7 days no poo. And to look out hard. Eventually on 6th day he did and it didnt came out hard so its fine.
Feed some warm water (if you don't mind) and massage (link below) These are things that are very effective on my baby when he constipated
Breastfed baby cn go up to days w/o pooping.. but if more thn 7 days is an alarm alrdy. Try cycling e baby legs.
Should be okay as long as baby’s not in discomfort:) but if it goes past a week, you may want to see a doctor
The most no. Of days bf babies dont poop is 7days
Best to consult your pediatrician...
Could be colic . Ask PD to check
Ask PD for probiotics