3 week old hasn't pooped for 2 days
I am breast feeding my baby.. and formula twice a day(nights). It has been 2 days since my baby pooped. He has only been passing urine(6-8 wet diapers a day) and also gas. Is it normal mummies?
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Normal for bf baby not to poop. Think my baby missed 4 days at one time. And my niece pooped after a week! But careful when they finally poop. It’ll be extra messy!
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3y trước
my gal went without pooping for 11 days straight. she's fully on breast milk. it's normal
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3y trước
thank you for the info mummy 🙏
This might help you. https://sg.theasianparent.com/how-to-help-baby-poop
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3y trước
thank you so much
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