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Joy Alanna, Malaysia


Giới thiệu Joy Alanna

Being a mother is the greatest gift from Allah swt

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Anakku di syurga

Assalamualaikum semua. I lost my baby malam tadi 8pm.. i share dkt sini for other mommies rujukan and also for my memory. Estimated 6w1d, then yesterday tiba² start heavy bleeding around 5pm+ smpai penuh 1 pad tu. Cramping so bad smpai satu badan shaking lemah. I pergi emergency, doctor scan, masih nampak kantung tpi heartbeat tak jumpa. Doctor suruh rehat dkt rumah, observe smpai bleeding 3 pad penuh, kena masuk balik emergency. I balik rumah, tgh naik lift terus rasa mcm ada ketulan besar keluar drpd bawah. Pergi toilet and nampak laa my little one, pgg dia dlm tangan i. Its so hurtful and scary.. masa tu nangis² sbb terasa sgt kehilangan dia. Baring rehat kejap and around 1230am nk balik hospital utk minta cuci. At 1245am terasa lagi ada yg keluar, this time lagi besar. Tpi yg ni dah x sakit sgt dah, just tak selesa sgt sbb darah² still keluar kan. Lepas nj terus pergi sakit puan dkt hospital putrajaya, they scan utk pastikan kosong, then i tunjuk the kantung² yg keluar, and then they did cervical clearing. Cuci dkt bawah, but this one mmg sakit and tak selesa sbb dia akan buka dari bawah and check manually tisu² balance dan clear betul². Then lepas tu scan balik make sure dah clear dalam, then they inject dkt peha kanan utk kecutkan balik rahim and stop bleeding. Doctor pgg utk 1hr utk observation, bleeding keluar calit² je and sakit semua xde dah cuma sengal² bcos of injection. Then doctor release with ubat tahan sakit and antibiotics. Baby doctor simpan hantar ke labs untik check punca keguguran, blh dpt tahu results after 3months. Ingatkan nak tanam baby tpi xblh dpt balik.. 😔😔 Heart hurts so much sbb kehilangan seorg anak syurga, and this is first baby first time its a scary experience. But womens body is just so strong. So strong and so fragile at the same time.. This time maybe xde rezeki lagi, semua dtng dari allah swt. Insyallah nanti allah bagi baby 🤲 Utk semua mommies, its a scary journey. But exciting jugak. Byk benda kita xthu.. i doakan mommies semua a healthy and happy journey, stay strong selalu. #firsttimemom #firstbaby #anaksyurga

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