Hi mummies, iam currently 37 weeks 4 days and baby's current weight is 3.5kg, doctor suggested for a C-section as my body condition is such as well...my next appointment will be Nov 1 which is 39weeks by then but I have a doubt how to differentiate Braxton Hicks n Contractions pain though its not my firsf time being a mum but for both my kids I didn't get to feel pain or water bag broke because both due on time n size weight was as usual.... I have read many posts n googled much but it's very much confused #advicepls #pleasehelp
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Hi everyone, Iam having bad lower hip and baby bump pain these days very frequently.... Iam just in my 34 weeks currently and iam experiencing this kind for the first time... For my elder girl (9YO) I didn't had this kind and for my son (1yr6months) also I didn't had pain... What kinda pain is this... Braxton Hicks contractions or just # pelvic expending pain.... I can't figure out but throughout night n day it comes n goes.... Once taken panadol the pain goes off... Then 4 hours starts back.... Very stressful... Can I go kkh n take a visit or wait till my coming appointment#pleasehelp #advicepls
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Hey mummies, Iam due on Nov '22, I have a doubt now my both kids are below the age of 12 and my husband is the only caregiver for both when iam going for my delivery... Can I request kkh post delivery ward for my son n daughter for visiting or they are very strict in not allowing the kids to the ward.... #advicepls
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Hi mummies, I'm opting to c sec for my current birth.. both my other birth was tough.... My elder girl is 8 years n I took nearly 26 hours to gave birth... My son is 15 months old and I took 18 hours to deliver... Firstly tired because huge difference from the first n second.... Now this baby I feel like opting to c sec..... Because Im very tired n weak by body..... Do anyone experience the same.... Can someone guide me...#advicepls
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