My Pink ✈️ has landed! 👧😊 Normal delivery or CS : Emergency CS (green na kasi yung AF ko and Nagpoop na si baby) Father in delivery room : No Due date : August 28, 2020 Birthdate : August 26, 2020 Birth place: Sta Maria Josefa Hospital Morning sickness : None Cravings: Sweets Gender : Baby Girl👧 Name: Mikaela Georgette Weight : 2380grams Delivery time: 3:08am Age now: 12 days To all pregnant women/wonderful expectant mothers out there, I fervently pray for your safe delivery. We may have different journey to motherhood but one thing is for sure seek for the guidance of our Almighty Father 🙏 May all of you find comfort, peace and protection in these trying times. #1stimemom #CSmomhere #firstbaby
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