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Mummy to Beautiful Strong Baby Boy ❤️
Infant care for stoma baby
Hi mummies do u have any idea for childcare that can accept stoma baby?
Has anyone when there before? I was about to change to specialist gynae at kkh, but my im still under high risk pregnancy bcoz of baby condition . Now im 34 weeks.
Thinking to change to private doctor at kkh .
Hi mummies , can u recommend me female doctor at kkh.share me ure experience if u already gone thru it.thanks mummies!
Hi mummies has anyone encounter before fibroids while ure pregnant. Do share if u experience it.im on 16 weeks now.. and i have 3 fibroids the biggest is 5.9cm.#advicepls #firsttimemom #thankyou
Gums bleed and bloated gum.
Has any mummies encounter it before .im on my 16 weeks .. recently just recover my gums bleed n upper gums in between tooth got bloat or swollen gums which im not sure..any one encounter it?
Just turn 13 weeks and started my first day for obimin n fish oil
Hi Mummies, really need ure opinion honestly i cnt swallow pills.Fear n trauma to eat pills. Always playing in my mind i will get choke😖.eating folid acid taking me alot of water to swallow it in. Any other alternatives mummies..H E L P.
Migraine 😮💨
Has any mummies encounter migraine since 1st trismester? On the left side of head.😰scared to eat medic. Although dr said paracetamol is fine for baby. And i dont want to depend on medic. I just bear the pain.