Hi mummies. I’ll be going back to work next month and is considering to change from breastmilk to formula milk very soon. My LO was born at 34+6 weeks and has been feeding on BM ever since birth. This march, he’ll turn 3 months old. Would appreciate your input to share what formula is best for a preemie. #1stimemom #advicepls #firstbaby
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Exclusive pumping mummies out there?
Hi mummies! I have been exclusively pumping since my LO’s birth as he doesn’t latch well 🥲 can any mummies share their experiences when they’re going out for long hours? So far, what i did is to express right before i go out as the expressed milk can only last up to 4 hours. That means, i can only go out for a shortwhile. Do you ladies also bring your pump to pump outside? Cause as you know, we need to pump every 3-4hours or our milk supply will deplete.. so when i pump outside, can give to LO directly. I just find that it’s rather tiring but i would love to continue giving breastmilk to LO. 🥲#advicepls #firstbaby
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Hi mummies. I have received the payment for my delivery charges recently. I went thru the KKH subsidised route. Based on the bill letter that was mailed to me, there’s a credit balance as the rest of the bill was paid via medisave. May i check for the credit balance, they will send the amount back via cheque? How does it work? #1stimemom
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Hi mummies! I’m at week 27 and my appt @ KKH will be in two weeks’ time. However i need to topup some of my medications such as fish oil, obimin and calcium because finished already! And I’m wondering how can i topup the medications? Can i walk in to KKH for prescriptions? Or can i buy elsewhere? #advicepls #urgent
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