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2544 Người theo dõi
C section mamas
Hi mama I was just wondering how long does c section usually takes? And what’s ur birth story?im going for a c section but I really don’t know what to expect and it’s making me so nervous and scared! #advice #firstmom
Gray poop normal?
Is tiz normal? She ate spinach,carrot,banana,chicken yesterday..formula fed baby..
Isomil stage 3... for sale @$68
Bought frm grabmart but send wrong..any takers $68...self collect..Tampines area...
Is it normal to waddle after first week of delivery
How do you walk in the first week of post pregnancy? Is it normal to waddle still and experience edema in legs? Also feel that can't walk too much as the c section wound is still healing.
Child travel with grandparents only consent letter
My child will be travelling to Guangzhou with grandparents and Family members but not with husband and I. I am going to prepare a child travel consent letter and a photocopy of her birth cert. My qn would be, does the letter has to be by lawyer and do I have to provide husband's birth cert to prove grandparent's names? Hope someone here is able to share experience or know the answers. Thank you
Collecting colostrum
Hello mama I’m currently 30 weeks prego and leaking colostrum. I was wondering when can I start collecting my colostrum? And freeze it #firsttimemom #advice #colostrum
Clogged duct
Hi moms my breast has been feeling hard and painful anyone know how to remove a clogged duct? ##firstmom #advice
My newborn grunts in his sleep a lot. Is it normal?
My 2m old grunts and sucks his fingers loudly in his sleep. I thought he was hungry but he doesn't eat when woken up. It's really loud and so unlike my first child. He's burped and changed so shouldn't be gassy. It only happens at night and after ~2hrs of quiet sleeping. Then he makes noise until waking for his next feed. I'm not sleeping well because of it and we tend to wake him to eat to stop him after 3 or 4 hrs. My older daughter was sleeping 5+ hrs at this age. If it normal and when will it get better?
3 months red flag on wake time
Is it a red flag that my baby starting from 2 mths plus till currently 3 mths not waking up at night for milk? 120ml per feed...last feed 10pm or 12mn..will slip thru e night till 6+7+or8+ morning then ask for milk..
Intense itching third trimester
Hi, I am 33 weeks + 4 days and I’m experiencing severe itching on my tummy, and it’s not just on the stretchmarks. I went for my check up at 32 weeks and dr prescribed some pills and moisturiser cream which hasn’t worked because the itch has spread to below my boobline, my boobs and also arms. Now the texture kinda looks like hives. I have tried mustela stretchmark cream, aloe vera gel, calamine lotion and applying snake brand powder but all only gave temporary relief. Pls suggest something!!😭 i’m going out of my mind trying to be mindful not too scratch my tummy too violently