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Bottle Sterilizer
Hi mommies, when did you stop using the bottle sterilizer for your baby's feeding bottles? Thank you.
Feedback on learning vision Changi Airport
Hi, anyone has feedback on playgroup at learning vision Changi Airport?
Sleep Training 9 months baby
Is it possible to still sleep train a 9 months baby? Wanted to ask if anyone engaged Sleepy Bubba and if they are worth it? Whats the price range? Thank you fella mummies 🥹
Pillow for flat head
Hihi my boy is almost 6 months now, but realized one side is flatter , any recommendation which pillow Shd I use? Thansk..!
Having Diarrhea at week 7 pregnancy, now having cramps and back pain should i be worried?
Having diarhea at week 7 pregnancy
Need help for baby rash
My baby head and face and body have a lot of rash building up. The head seem to have some cradle cap, on top of that he keep scratching, resulting in more wounds on the head. Any advice?
Over supply milk
I have too much milk. My one pump always hit 250-290ml My left boob is roughly 100-130ml , my right boob is 140–160ml I managed to drag my pumping time from 3 hours to 4 hours 30 mins But I’m still pumping so much milk! I am trying to decrease my milk supply . I’ve too much milk that I’m always having let down and my baby don’t wanna latch on me because she always get choke and it squirts in her mouth too fast and she gets really unhappy thus no latching means I’m always engorged and I just recovered from mastitis two weeks ago. I want to wean off and lessen my milk but at this amount I’m pumping.. I don’t know how long will it take. I’m producing so much milk that if I drag to 5 hours plus , confirm I’ll be engorged and have mastitis again. WHAT CAN I DO. I’m so tired I’m going crazy .
Can I drink HL milk ?
Feeling Indifferent
I'm trying to understand myself better and I hope that there are mothers who can guide me through this plight. Eversince I gave birth to my second child, I experienced PP rage and an absolute disconnect towards my firstborn. It seems like an out of body experience. Each time I scold her or hurt her, It's as if I cannot control myself. I just lash out but then I will come to my senses and apologise to her. I don't think I'm tired because my second has been quite a breeze since 2 months.. often I have to wake her up for feedings or else she just sucks her thumb and MYOB. Now that my secondborn is 4 months the my PP rage seems to have died down BUT yet I still feel the disconnect towards my firstborn. I don't feel genuine it feels so awful that the feeling I once doted her and could cuddle her with love, I don't feel that anymore. It sucks. What should I do?
Growth spurt
My baby is 3 months old, she usually drink 100ml every 3hrs. Just today suddenly she only can drink at the range of 20-90ml. Is it growth spurt or what possibility that her appetite decreases?