Do your babies get by without pacifiers?

Yes, my girl is 23 months now, never had pacifier before. Tried when she was newborn(coz she cries a lot) but she refused/rejected, ever since then never tried to introduce to her anymore and she grow up without pacifier.
yes, my first one refuse pacifier, she spits it out everytime we gave her. I haven't tried on my 2nd one, I think this baby will like it cos she likes to suck her mittens until become so wet
Yes, my girl doesn't like pacifiers. Since the first day she was born till now, she's about 1 month turning 2 months soon and she has only used the pacifiers three times.
My 3 babies are not on the pacifier 😊 i tried introducing for #1 but she rejected. Since she survived without one, I never bothered to offer to #2 and #3
I gave them coz it makes them quiet. But it wasnt difficult to whine them off too. So it saved me alot of crying moment especially when it's a twin.
Yes, my kids don’t use paci. My firstborn suck thumb. Second one use paci for 3 months. Third and fourth didn’t use paci
Mine only started when she hospitalised for jaundice. Started again during infant care and only for nap times
My babe cries all the time! Tried giving her the pacifier to make my life easier but nope! She hates it 😅
My lo very dependent on pacifiers. Especially when sleeping. And maybe sucks due to teething also.
Hi, Yes, never introduced pacifier to my baby hence she never felt the need of it