Baby saying no to pacifiers.
Does some babies really rejected pacifiers? I have 2 children. My first born uses pacifier from birth till now and my second born doesn't want to. Tried giving pacifier and he spit out back.

In fact our nanny suggested pacifier but we don’t agree with her. So after when the nanny is gone and we take care on our own, we have never for once used a pacifier. And the child is accustomed to it, he now knows that pacifier does not “pacify” him at all.
Yes, I've been trying to give my 3 mth old pacifier since he's 1 mth as he always wants to latch for comfort but he always rejects. My mom scolded me for giving him one initially, scared tt he might get addicted, instead, he hates it himself 😅
mine don't like pacifier too. i didn't give since day 1 and around 3rd week my husband tried to give her since she was crying non stop but she ended up rejecting it. it is a good habit actually.
I initially didn’t give my babygirl but the teachers in IFC suggested to give one as she was always cranky/fussy. I’m just glad she’s not too dependent on it. Only uses it when sleeping.
My 1 mth old baby also rejected pacifier and will gag. It's normal. Not all babies likes pacifiers. They're more used to bottles teats/breast nipples.
yup normal, my LO do eat pacifier when she fussy. usually we give her she either spit out or playing w us
I myself also doesn’t use pacifier when I was young till my family gave up on me 😅
I don’t give my girl pacifier at all and she is ok 1 less thing to wean off
yes. my boy prefers to suck his thumb for self soothing
it's good that they don't use pacifier