Does giving pacifiers to breastfed babies will result into nipple confusion?

Pacifiers may be used to provide comfort to a baby by easing the baby’s need to suckle. However, they are artificial nipples and may lead to nipple confusion. The use of a pacifier may affect breastfeeding as different sucking techniques are involved. Therefore, switching between breast and pacifier will be confusing for a newborn still learning to breastfeed. If an infant starts to spend less time breastfeeding, the mother’s supply will naturally be affected. That being said, for babies who are older, the pacifier could be offered to help calm the baby when the mother is unavailable. In all, practice care when using the pacifier to help reap the benefits while minimizing the potential effects it may have on breastfeeding.
Read moreDepends what age from my experience. When they're under 3 months and still learning to latch on, it could be confusing but as they get older I think its ok and pacifiers can be a very soothing remedy. I'd be careful on being over reliant on pacifiers though. Some kids get used to only sleeping with the pacifier and the minute it falls out of their mouth, they wake up. But it can also be super useful to soothe babies and work as a comforter.
Read morePacifiers require a different sucking action than breastfeeding. If a baby sucks on the breast the same way she sucks on a soother, little milk will come out and the nipples may become sore. This is why paediatricians recommend pacifiers only be given once breastfeeding has been well established.
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