6 Replies

Every mom has a melt-down period too, and it might be her parenting approach, or maybe the child has done something very wrong. Unless you know what is the trigger for the mother to lost her control in public (normally no one likes to be stared in public), you can gently remind the mother about there is another way of parenting approach. For me, I do not like to be inteferred when I am discipline my child, especially in public.

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It takes a lot of courage to step up but if you feel that the mother is being unreasonable and might possibly hit the child, it's good to step in. From the way you describe the situation, the mother has lost her cool. It's very possible that she might have flared up at you to "mind your own business". I would if I had a companion with me.

Hi, There must be a very good reason for the mum’s behaviour to be like this. And it goes without saying that it takes a lot of courage to walk up to somebody you don’t know in public and tell him or her that they are not right. Still if you feel that it is not a good behaviour, please talk to the person from next time :)

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Being a mum myself, I try not to stare or interfere coz sometimes there could be hidden frustrations that the other mom is going through, could be financially, emotionally etc. However if it gets violent , which I have not encountered, I would definitely step in.

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It is very difficult to see such a situation but until unless my help is requested, this is still their story and their life. Unless I see the child in grave danger, I’ll stay out of it

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