Just wondering if I am the only 'fussy' mommy around who simply hates it when people (incl relatives) start using their fingers to repeatedly tease/tap my 4mo baby's cute chubby cheeks everytime they see her. I really don't like it at all...esp so because my mil has a bad habit of doing that repeatedly and non-stop for abt 10 times in a span of 1min! When i just delivered my nb back in march, mil kept doing that to my nb's cheeks and we all know how sensitive a nb's skin is..my hubby told her not to do that as her cheeks were slightly red then. Despite him telling her not to do so, she does it everytime she sees my baby and somehow I feel that it is done with the intention of pissing me off because we have already explained and expressed to her not to do so. Anyone out there shares my sentiments? Or better still, anyone out there disagrees with me and can make me see this in a different light and not get so pissed? Thanks!

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