Jco Donuts!

Just wondering if i could eat tiramisu, since its coffee base? HAHA!

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Super Mom

One slice, maybe?:) and no coffee for the rest of the day? Double check that the tiramisu doesn’t contain alcohol too. Oh by the way, I made eggless, coffeeless, milo-based tiramisu when I was pregnant. So satisfying 😂😂 Some recipes call for raw eggs, so I found a recipe online for eggless versions. Then I just replaced the dipping of sponge fingers in coffee with milo. And used dark cocoa powder so it balances out the sweetness. So so good. You can try making if you have time. Heh

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5y trước

AHH NICE!! thank you!! its jco so there's no alcohol in it, only just craving for tiramisu! 🥺 thank you for the recipes toooo if im free i'll do it!! 💕

Influencer của TAP

More like you shouldnt because the cream base is made from uncooked egg yolks and the biscuits are soaked in coffee and alcohol.

Influencer của TAP

If you are preggy, best not. Tiramisu has coffee, raw egg and alcohol. All Not recommended for pregnant woman

Thành viên VIP

Yum yum. Enjoy - would be more worried about sugar content than the coffee content :)

Thành viên VIP

If it only contain coffee and no alcohol based, consume in moderation is fine.

No, not because of coffee but because tiramisu may contain alcohol.

Thành viên VIP

No, there is alcohol and raw eggs. Tiramisu flavour is ok

I avoided it just to be safe as there’s raw eggs

Thành viên VIP

Shouldn't be any problem.. One or two is OK. Yummy

Thành viên VIP

Yes but in moderation and check no alcohol. Enjoy