Cord blood storage

Just wondering how common it is to opt in for cord blood storage? I was told that it costs ard $10k and it’s rly quite a substantial amount. However idk why I feel this guilt if I don’t do it because I’ll never get the chance again if I miss this window. Did you guys opt in for it? 😵‍💫

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I’ve spoken to my gynae about this. She mentioned that the chances of having to use it is really very very low. But if you have the means to, she advises to go for it. It is like buying insurance. You pay for something that you hopefully don’t ever have to cash it out for. Initially hubby and I was hesitant too because of the price. But something my mum said really changed our minds. She said yes the chances might be 1-2% but if touch wood something does happen you’ll be holding on to even that 0.1% chance. Have yet to talk to an agent yet, but I heard the cost can be somewhat offset with baby bonus. So will have to find out more info on this. Hope this helps.

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