Cord blood banking

Hi mums, I would like to ask for your opinions on cord blood banking: 1. Did you store or donate any or all of your kids' cord blood after they were born? 2. If privately stored, which cord blood bank did you choose and how much did it cost? 3. If you donated to the public cord blood bank, what are the reasons or benefits behind your decision?

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1. I’m choosing to store. 2. I decided to use Cordlife as it’s the only service provider that can store all 3 types - cord blood, tissue and lining. 3. I think it’s like buying insurance for my baby, just that this is something that cannot be replaced with any amount of money and you only have 1 time to make the decision, while insurance can buy at any time after baby is born and healthy. If you donate, there’s no guarantee you can get cord blood, lining or tissue when you need.

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1. I store. 2. I chose Cordlife. Depends on which package you took. I took till child becomes 12 years old cos research has shown that beyond that age, Using cordblood doesn’t have much effect anymore. They do provide package up till 21 years old. 3. After kid turns 12. I will donate to public.

6y trước

Thanks!! Very helpful :)

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