Coping with the pandemic

With the pandemic around for 2 years. How have you been coping with it together with your little one? Do you still bring them out as frequent? How do you keep them active and exposed to the nature/new things? To be very honest, due to the pandemic I try not to bring my girl out as much. Also because there are many restrictions that’s ever changing and some locations are hard to book. 😅

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Only outdoors and specific restaurants. No supermarkets, no shopping malls for them and it has been the same for almost 2 years 🙂 and they stick to the same old friends at home 😂

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We r not going outside not too often as before but atleast once a month we go for awhile to library or to park some time in odd timings

Influencer của TAP

We try to bring her out as much as we can with necessary precaution. We try to let her have fresh air and some sun almost every day.

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My girl is home most of the time, only out for school and haircut :)

Taking my baby out but with extreme precautions

Influencer của TAP

live as per normal, I still bring my boy out.