Lonely pregnancy

In my 3rd trimester now. Through out the pregnancy, do you guys ever feel lonely ? It’s a different kind of lonely feeling. No matter how many people are around you, you just feel lonely and like you’re in this journey by yourself. Yes, your husband is around you but sometimes they dont feel or understand what we feel or what we’re going through. To them, we women are built to be pregnant. Not thinking we are also normal human being and also a first time mom, and new to this. The people around you are more to looking forward to the delivery of the baby, but never ask about the mummy’s mental health or condition. If they are ok, if they are coping. And when baby’s born, theyre gonna claim themself as oh im the aunt oh im the grandma etc etc when they have never been there for you throughout your pregnancy. #FTM

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I didn't feel lonely during pregnancy but postpartum I did get lonely feelings sometimes. suspect hormones also play a part. self care is important, take good care of yourself first and foremost. Eat well and get lots of rest. When baby pops, you're going to have less time for yourself if any at all. I also agree, sometimes husbands need to be reminded that they too have their part to play. Get your spouse involved in the process, don't allow them to use work as an excuse, especially if you too are a working mum. Take care!

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the last paragraph 😢 that is exactly why i also hate people asking baby's gender. didnt even care all the while. out of the blue, concern about baby's gender. (or more like being busybody) After finding out the gender, then? as if they sponsoring baby's stuff. really hate those people.nuisance. i didnt even wanna bring baby to visit those bunch of people.

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I didn’t feel lonely cause I was always with my baby 24/7 and I loved that. I understand where you’re coming from. Try focusing on you and baby, instead of what others are expecting of you. It’s your pregnancy and you have the right to feel good about it. Talk to your husband at the right time too, make him walk the journey with you hand in hand.

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yes i feel u! im feeling that too at times. im doing all the research myself, preparing everything for the arrival of little one. my husband just say he is tired from working 😞 have never read up on single thing abt pregnancy etc. never try to find out what i need or wat the baby need. im the one bringing up the topic all the time. sigh

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2y trước

same here for my current one. After 2 miscarriage my husband dont really read up on anything. Not even how i feel at my first trimester so im just gonna sit down and wait till baby pop put and then give him a list of things to do. 😅

I feel the same too and I’m terrified that it’s just gonna get worse postpartum. Sometimes it truly feels like only other mummies can unds this feeling but it’s so sad that most of us just have to accept that that’s the way it is. Hang on tight! We can do this :)

yes it’s very real, i felt this too. even now i’m postpartum.. it’s really not easy to be a woman and a mother these days. take good care of yourself, and support other mummies when you have the capacity to. :) hope u feel better..

I feel like my hubby was supportive during my pregnancy, but after I popped, he bochup and sometimes forget he is a daddy already and has to do some "baby duties"