
Why do my 6 month baby vomit after drinking milk while still making her burb?Do you think its because of phlegm?

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Thành viên VIP

You may wanna take note if this is frequent? Because sometimes could be that baby is drinking too fast or over fed. Do pause feeding and burp whenever possible during interval :)

Influencer của TAP

Sometimes it's phlegm. For my case my baby only vomit when she got phlegm ant I always check the vomit it sound gross no choice. Haha

5y trước

thank you. i feel it is phlegm also.

Do check if it’s due to baby having allergies from BM due to what you have eaten.

Thành viên VIP

Yes it’s becoz of phlegm .. better u mix more water if u r using fm means

Super Mom

Try to hold baby in an upright position after feeding

5y trước

thank you.. will try do so.

Influencer của TAP

Possible, happened to my boy

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5y trước

might be also.. tq:)