Which is the most difficult trimester?
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First Trimester
Second Trimester
Third Trimester

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its the first for me. grabe struggle ko sa first trimester ko nun. di ko malaman pano ikakalma sarili ko sa hilo, pagsusuka at panghihina. di makakain ng ayos kasi lahat ng amoy ayaw ko. bumabaliktad sikmura ko. pag pinilit ko, nauuwi lang sa suka. tas kahit konting galaw ko nahihilo ako. daig ko pa may trangkaso sa panlulumong nararamdaman ko nun.

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Actually it depends, on my first born child, it gets most difficult for me the first trime... since almost all the signs are there.. but for my 2nd born, it gets more difficult for me during 2nd to last trime... the heaviness and body pains.

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First one, i was lost my weight until third trimester... it was the great moments that i have when im pregnant.. thanks to my hubby because give me a support..

First trimester. Felt so weak. Second and third trimesters were smooth

I wish IT was a piece of cake

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the fourth trimester 🥲

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Nausea pinaka ayaw ko

First trimester

Influencer của TAP

First trimester