Celebrate 100 days ?

Hi , when your newborn baby reach 100 days u all got celebrate or as normal ?

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Looking forward to celebrating soon! With just immediate family members in line with the national regulations on gatherings ☺️

for my 1st boy last year yes. this year covid cant celebrate for my 2nd boy. only give red eggs n ang ku kueh

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nope never traditional Chinese custom family don't agree on 100 day it's for ppl who past away. so didn't do it.

4y trước

Agree! I was bizarre as to why my friends are celeb 100 days. It's suppose to be for the deceased. 🤷‍♀️

Cant celebrate due to covid...wanting to celebrate so bad but covid getting worst..

didnt get to celebrate due to covid. but had dinners wif the immediate family

mine was normal cause born during covid period :'(

No. Only went out to eat as a family.

didn't celebrate due to covid