Ask the Expert Series: Self-love

Who is excited for another Ask the Expert Session ??‍♀️ To end the month of April, we have our expert Candy Lim - Rebel Image Coach, Certified Career Coach and DoubleJoy Mum, where she will answer your burning questions on loving and taking care of yourselves ? Do remember to comment below your questions for our Expert ?

Ask the Expert Series: Self-love
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What do you suggest we can wear to look 5kg slimmer after birth?

4y trước

Oh… my favourite topic! Looking 5kg slimmer depends on the colour combination of your outfit, style and fabric. And no, black does not make you look slimmer all the time :) Go with oval shape style dresses and keeping the outfit colours within the same family (e.g.: light blue top with dark blue bottom). Choose Fabric that is fluid and less stiff.

Thành viên VIP

How can I have ME time when i have young kids at home?

4y trước

Start with regularly making time for rest and relaxation after your kids are asleep…

Thành viên VIP

how to self love? isit start by caring for yourself?

4y trước

Definitely! we all have a little child within us… imagine how neglected the little "me" had been if we didn't care about "me" all our life.

Where got time? I love my kids more than myself!

4y trước

Haha …. I know right! :) I have a set of twins and they are 8yrs old this year and I love them to bits. they mean the world to me. I did not have any ME time and as time pass I felt grouchy and angry for little things that happened. I realised I was always angry with myself and it was too overwhelming for me. As I took time off the kids and dedicate even half an hour focusing on ME or even just a dinner with my friends once a week- I was much happier and my kids are happy too as they too can feel the energy and vibes are positive.

How can I be beautiful again after birth?

4y trước

You are beautiful! It all start with you believing in yourself. *hugs* Never allow anyone or your inner voices to berated ourselves and put you down. Never compare yourself with anyone. Be the best version of yourself and that helps to bring out the attractiveness and charism within you. Start by choosing your favourite outfit to wear at home, pamper yourself and invest some time to take care of your face.

Why do we need to love ourselves?

4y trước

When we love ourselves more, we tend to be happier, less stress and gain higher self esteem. We do not wait for others to love us and end up settled for less

What can I do to self love?

4y trước

there are many ways and things you can do to love yourself more… You can always start with baby step like allocating certain hour in a day for yourself, doing things you enjoy OR schedule 1 evening in a month to spend with your friends. Taking care of YOUR own needs without any judgement or worry about what other think.

Why self love matters?

4y trước

Because we can't force others to love us as we have no control over them. Sometimes we can't control our kids too :) However, we can control how we much we want to love and care for our body, mind and soul. The most important relationship we can have is the one with ourselves. Self-love is not narcissistic. Loving yourself is about consistently carrying out actions that feel aligned with your heart/gut/intuition.

What is Self Love?

4y trước

Self love is to tell yourself it is OK not to be OK, Self-love means taking care of your own needs and not sacrificing your well-being to please others. Self-love means not settling for less than you deserve

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