When do you start to give food for baby ? Semi solid type .. And why do some parents give food at 4 months and PD say only after 6 months. Mind sharing experience on starting introducing food for baby

Hi! Here's what I've read off the internet. When baby shows these signs, it means he/she may be ready for solids: - baby Is hungry before the usual feed time - he/she dribbles and puts things in his or her mouth - baby can sit up with support - he/she shows an interest in your food Also, in certain cases such as infants who have not grown to the expected size or who lack iron (anaemic), they may be weaned earlier (between four and six months old). Here is an article on weaning that may be useful: http://www.healthxchange.com.sg/healthyliving/childrenhealth/Pages/When-and-How-to-Wean-Your-Baby.aspx
Read moreI think from 4-6 months you can start letting baby taste different foods without actually feeding them. I gave my girl pieces of banana or apple to suck/lick on and she enjoyed those. When they're 6 months you can start feeding puree. There's no exact rule since each baby is different but we need to experiment and slowly try and see baby's reaction. If baby pushes the food out with their tongue it means they're not ready yet. If they happily swallow and asks for more then just feed them more! Make sure to introduce one food at a time and monitor any sign of allergy & diaper output.
Read moreFor me, I started my baby at 5 months old. There is no designated month to start semi solid but the baby is able to try out some semi solid food at 4 mths old. basically, mummies who want to wean off bf can do so, after 6 mths but prefer to have it as long as one an give. I gave at 5 month as I feel my baby was ready and milk alone, can't fill him up. I wanted him to have a fuller tummy when he zzz.
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Hi... you might find this article informative https://sg.theasianparent.com/dos-and-donts-of-introducing-solids-in-your-babys-diet
6 months is fine, no rush. You can start off with Friso cereals, purée fruits and veggies
Hi. You may find this article useful: https://sg.theasianparent.com/baby-food-basics/amp
4 months is try to start Dependent on whether lo wants But normally 6 months
Started giving to my lo exactly 6mths
We started exactly at 6 months
Mum of 2 michelin baby haha