Start solid food and water

Hi mummies, I would like to know how do I start to give my 6 months LO solid for and water?

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are you look into blw or tlw? from what I read and am doing, for blw you need to make sure a few things before introducing solid. 1. LO is interested in food such as when you put food in front will your LO reach it and bring it to the mouth 2. your LO able to grab the food 3. most importantly your LO able to sit up straight without support. might want to read it more so you have better understanding on BLW for tlw it's simple. just blend the food and make it to puree and spoon feed your baby. just be careful not to overfed. you can start with just plain porridge without any salt or taste. you can also try fruits such as banana, avocado and mash it. don't be frustrated if your LO doesn't seems interested in eating solids yet cause all the guidelines i read kept saying milk is still the main source. just let your LO explore. for water i usually try giving after solids. you can give via bottle or spoon feed.

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steam and mash the food. dont add any salt.

mashed up the food, and feed with spoon

Steam & Mash the food