Please input your advices for 1st time mother. Things you feel you would want to know earlier.

Hello! When I was pregnant with my first child, no one told me I could get post-natal depression over my stretch marks, change in look and or even due to breastfeeding pain that always frustrates me. I wished someone could have told me things like this to keep me well informed and prepared. So please input your sharing, it could also be relationships with husband, mil or even colleagues and bosses.

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The heartache seeing your kid sick or being bullied by older kids at the playground

2y trước

Yes i agree. When my 1 day old baby had to admit into hospital and almost got on the drip with needles poking his small feet, the heartache was indescribable. That moment I felt no parent should ever feel this type of heartache because is so unbearable. My baby is not big enough to play at the playground but your input strike me somehow. I begin to imagine how I would be if I ever witness this and yes, so heartbreaking to even think about it!!!! Thanks for the heads up!