Going Back To Work Soon. Sad.

When I rock my little girl to sleep, she ends up sleeping on my chest before I lay her in the bed. I will miss her little hugs and will cherish them while I am at work. My cute little warm teddy bear in my arms. I will miss you Boo Boo. I love you my Alanna.

9 Replies
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Super Mom

Aww:( I know how you feel. When you become a working mum, you’ll learn how to be efficient at work, and when you come home, you’ll learn to make the most of the time you have with your little one. Those will be enjoyable moments too:)

Awww....I can understand how you are feeling. But stay positive and strong and everyday you come back from work, you have a bundle of joy to hold and cherish :)

Thành viên VIP

Stay strong mummy it is difficult transiting back to full time work

Super Mom

Do join a support group for moms. Help my wife a lot

4y trước

Nah I haven't actually. Will be going for one this Thursday or Friday as I am free. Will give me some me time and share about the issues at home

Thành viên VIP

Hmm can feel ur pain , stray strong mama

Super Mom

She join a group under mother and child

Thành viên VIP

Stay strong and healthy mama!💪

Influencer của TAP

stay strong 💕

Super Mom

Stay positive