When do u give ur baby 肥仔水 (gripes water)?eg. After bath of morning or night? One day how many times and how much ml?

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If its a newborn, better to use ridwind instead of gripe water. I haf asked the pharmacist about this before

9y trước

Hi ridwind is for? Baby got wind in the stomach can use? Thanks

do u all continuous giving LO gripe water ? or only when LO shows colic symtoms then u will give?

gripe water is for colic. i give my baby tgt with milk for first and last feed..

I give in the morning after clean him up. Feed 1 teaspoon than drink water.

My friend gives her baby 3-5ml, once every morning, after her morning feed.

usually after breakfast and after shower ba. a teaspoon should be enuff le

My boy just turned 1yo and I have not feed him any before. Is it a must to give?

9y trước

I see. thanks for your reply :)

I followed the instructions stated. once a day in water for him to drink

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usually i give after bath in the morning and before she sleeps at night

I only give when necessary like when baby has colic or wind in tummy.