When do u give ur baby 肥仔水 (gripes water)?eg. After bath of morning or night? One day how many times and how much ml?

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I give mine everyday after bath, I give 5ml since she's 1 month

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After bathing, in the morning. Once a day. About 1/2 a spoon.

9y trước

What spoon u referring to? Teaspoon?

I'm give my baby ml, every morning, after her morning feed

9y trước

How many ml?

After bath I will give 1 time a day morning

I feed my kids after bath morning 1 time

I give along the last feed of the night

Thành viên VIP

After B'fast n Dinner. 5ml each

What is gripe water used for?

Once a day a small teaspoon

This is gripe water

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