Baby movement
Hi! When do we feel a strong & frequent movement? I'm at 27 weeks now, 1st pregnancy. Sometimes I feel strong movement sometimes just tappings, baby changing positions, vibrates, kicks. #1stimemom #advicepls #firstbaby #experiences
Hi! When do we feel a strong & frequent movement? I'm at 27 weeks now, 1st pregnancy. Sometimes I feel strong movement sometimes just tappings, baby changing positions, vibrates, kicks. #1stimemom #advicepls #firstbaby #experiences
it all depends on your baby. i have days my baby is so active and somedays, he is just chilling. i also dont practice counting my baby kicks because they are not consistent. when i was 32 weeks pregnant i got worried when i didnt feel my baby move the whole morning up till 2pm. my husband decided to bring me to maternity hospital to check. all was okay, baby is healthy. he was just sleeping and chilling really. now that im 35weeks, there is a decrease of movement cause it is tight and no space in there for baby to kick jump samersault. i mostly feel when he change position cause you can literally see your tummy move. haha!
Read moreIt depends on baby! Mine gets really excited when she hears ‘Happy’ by Pharrell Williams, Happy birthday and Merry Christmas 😂 She will react with strong movements everytime I on any of the songs. Try finding something that your baby likes! I was listening to those songs while on the cab/ads 😂 Now baby is out and she still loves happy birthday! She gets excited when kiddy palace played at the store 😂
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