
When does baby do not need to wear mittens anymore? My LO is going 2 months and we have trimmed his nails too but still let him wears his mittens 24/7 in case the trimmed nails might scratch his face.

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Thành viên VIP

No hard and fast rule. General guideline is at least 1 mth old onwards. I let my elder kid wear mittens until around 3 month though as he had a terrible habit of scratching his face accidentally until it bled, even though we trimmed him nails.

I stopped at around 2 months cus my baby loves to put his hands inside his mouth. His mittens are alwas wet. So i let my boy explore his hands and fingers.

Super Mom

I started removing after LO is one month old when I'm able to trim her nails. I feel that it is important for LO to touch and feel things with fingers.

Thành viên VIP

Great. I rem keep wearing mittens for my girl till 4mo then her infant care teachers advised me to stop so that she can explore.

4y trước

Oic hahahah

Thành viên VIP

After one month my girl no longer wear mittens because I want her to touch and feel things around her! Helps her development too!

4y trước

Thanks mummy!

Thành viên VIP

I removed mittens when my baby turned 2 months. Babies need to explore with their hands and fingers

Thành viên VIP

I stopped after 2 mths. It will take a while for them to get used to not wearing mittens

Influencer của TAP

if he continues to scratch himself too often, put them back on to protect his skin

3 month I remove. As sometime too young abit hard to trim the nail. Scary😂

After one month I stopped mitten first my baby, want her to feel and touch