When can we start actual disciplining the child?

Discipline, in the form of setting limits, reinforcing good behaviour and discouraging less desired actions should start as young as when your child is a baby. However, recognize that as a baby, your child may not be able to comprehend your explanations. Therefore, “discipline” in this case is more of damage control than educating him/her on the consequence. Also, understand that some actions performed by a baby may appear mischievous to adults but are actually simply their form of exploration and learning. For example, when a baby throws food on the ground, he/she is simply developing control of his/her hands and also trying to find out what will happen to the food. It is important not to overreact in such cases. Disciplining a young baby involves setting limits and rules. The best way to do so would be by distracting and redirecting your child’s attention when he/she does something that is off-limits. Your child could also recognize changes in the tone of your voice. So use a different tone to help establish rules. Once your baby is about one-year old, he/she could better communicate and you can start explaining rules to him/her. I found this article useful in explaining how to start disciplining a child from young: http://www.parents.com/baby/development/behavioral/when-should-you-start-disciplining/
Read moreStart from the time when baby begins to understand things. I think it should be more about putting a thing across than a strict discipling a child. I believe discipling is a very strong word and I would like to replace it with 'guidance'. We should start guiding our children when they begin understanding things. And always have a dialogue with them when you have to tell them it is not right or this is wrong rather than commanding them or ordering them in the name of discipline. Guide them through to become a disciplined human being. And the process will be smooth if you will give your child freedom to express himself at all stages of life.
Read moreStart from when the baby starts to crawl!! When kids cannot comprehend language well, use different tones and they are smart enough to understand the difference. Also, if you do not want them to touch certain things, keep it out of their reach. Soon after, they will try different tactics to get things done their way and they stick to whatever works. So if by throwing tantrums, the child gets a balloon/ice-cream, he/she will repeat that tactic in the future. Do not fall for it. You should be the one to set the ground rules and give them a reason for this rule. No perfect rule on how to discipline but it does require lot of patience :)
Read moreIt's normally said that babies are very smart and, unlike what we think about them, they pick up things very fast. So, I'd say start from the time your baby starts to respond to your name calls. Discipline does not mean that you spank your child or punish him for not finishing his meals. Discipline means establishing a routine for your child and other such things that make your child understand the importance of time. This also establishes a sense of responsibility in your baby. http://www.parents.com/baby/development/behavioral/when-should-you-start-disciplining/
Read moreI don't remember exactly what my parents did to instil such discipline in me and my brother but it was very clear to us for as long as we remember to adhere to certain rules and to do what was right even in simple things. So I'd say start as early as possible with simple things in setting boundaries, showing cause and effect and exploring teachable moments. The only absolute I can think of is to make sure discipline is coming from a place of love and concern.
Read moreYou can start disciplining your child from when they are little. You can start from the little things like not to hit others or to prevent them from touching things that are hot. Setting boundaries and limits are the basis for disciplining your kids, you should show them the cause and outcome of each situation so that the learn why you are disciplining them instead of just fearing you.
Read moreThe word “discipline” is an often badly misunderstood word. Its real meaning is “to teach”. In this context, you have been teaching your child about the world before she was even born. Check this article for more details http://www.parenting-with-love.com/q-when-should-i-start-to-discipline-my-toddler/
Read moreDicipline is the basic thing. I started it since he was little. A few simple things like put your toys back in the storage, pray before eat, and obey the nap time. We lived in society, and society need rules. Those who not dicipline will find a trouble understanding the rules in the future. That's my opinion.
Read moreParentTown interviewed Shanti Chainani, Wellness Trainer from Royal Academy Pte Ltd, on how to practice positive parenting! Here's the link - Click on TV more for episodes :) http://parenttown.com/topic/tv-positive-parenting-what-the-heck-is-it
I believe there is no such thing as too early in terms of disciplining your children. It is important to provide guidance and set the ground rules early on so that they grow up understanding that their are rules to live by.