12 Replies

Some are faster & some are slower depending on individual babies. My boy started to have 4 front incisor ( up & down ) when he was 3 months old. By the time he's 8 months, he already have 18 teeth. We started to brush his teeth since he have his first few teeth to protect from decaying. https://www.google.com.sg/search?q=teeth+chart&prmd=ivn&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwj4yqWC-pnQAhUMNI8KHURZCKkQ_AUIBygB&biw=375&bih=559#tbm=isch&q=baby+teeth+chart&imgrc=bZQuANOYa6_6oM%3A

different babies start teething at different times, but in most cases it happens around the 4th month. my younger one barely started teething at 4 months and by the first week of the 5th month she already had a pearlie! remember that teething does not mean the tooth is coming out immediately. your baby may start teething and the first tooth may take more than a month to appear.

Usuallty teething begins at around 6 months. Our son didnt start though until 11 months old. It is normal for teething to start at any time between 3 - 12 mo of age. Drooling is a good sign for teething. By the way, teething goes on until the toddler is about 3 years old.

It depends on individual baby. I know of babies who have teeth at 4 months. My bb currently gg to 9mth. Have 2 suddebly erupting at end of 7 mth ... now still 2

the teething time is different for different babies, but you can expect it to start by the 4th month at the earliest. that's when my kids started teething

My son is 5month and has started the signs of teething but no sign of teeth coming through as of yet

VIP Member

Between 6-8 months :) my baby has two teeth in the midst of disrupting now. She's 8 months

VIP Member

4 months my baby get his first 2 tooth . And by 6 months 10 tooths and more ...

what is the sign? my baby is 4months now

Hi! Here's a helpful chart:

Mine pop hers at 8mths old

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