What is your take of not breastfeeding your newborn? Im having very bad engorgement & feel very useless.. thinking of stopping the milk.

dont worry mummy! i felt the same too, I was a ep mum only started to dl when lo was 1.5months and many many times i felt like stopping bc it was too tiring!! and during my confinement, i had engorgement so many times i was in so much pain n was sleep deprived i rly wanted to stop but i kept telling myself give it a few more days n keep dragging until i manage to pull thru! i only stopped bf when lo was 3.5mths due to insufficient supply. u can do this!!!!
Read moreCare for your body first. Dont feel stress about breastfeeding. If there is milk supply then feed the baby, if there's no milk its okay, we can go formula. I hope u have a lactation lady to help you with your engorgement. Yes it's really painful and unbearable at times. You are definitely not useless, u r trying your best. Latch on and pump. Hope that the supply will continue, engorgement will improve after awhile.
Read moreHi, I think it you should not feel bad about your body and feel that it is a natural process to feed your baby :) I would say be proud and appreciate the fact that you are able to feed a human being :) Also, have mix of BF and FM for your LO which helps you in maintaining your body as well
No need to feel useless. Your body is more important. If you feel uncomfortable, how are you going to take care of your LO. Just give FM if you think you cannot handle anymore. :)
Try Malay lady traditional massage, they can totally help to reduce the engorgement! Try your best but it's a choice, no right no wrong :)
I actually feel it’s a myth breastfeeding helps in building immunity Still see so many babies sick though on bf
Pump it out and feed using bottle
Pump out instead. That’s what I did. Pump out and put in bottle for my LO
Go for massage or put a heat pad to ease it. Try pumping more. All the best!