Breast engorgement
Hi mummies, when your breast is engorged, how long did it last? Has it even exceed a day ? Im facing my first breast engorgement and nothing works

When you face engorgement you will feel that it firms, your milk drips. It is time to pump/latch. So if there are little lumps here there during engorgement or after feeding then ill do warm compress and direct latch/pump. I ever had engorgement for half a day and also like minimally 6 hrs. It is so firm, painful and a slight touch hurts a lot. Always remember to latch every two to three hours. After feeding latch. This helps to stimulate proper routine of milk supply on both breast. Should let say warm compress doesn't work, try cold compress,hand compress, massage the pressure point to break the milk lumps. Sometimes the milk duct stuck therefore you have engorgement. All in all, it takes time to understand our own body and breast.
Read moreI feel u when breast engorgement.It depends on individual on how long it will last.I took lecthin, massage my boobs and pump out and felt relieved.
Sleep with cold cabbage in your bra. It works but it may affect your milk supply.