What do you do when you are having a bad day? Everything that could go wrong is going wrong today. Full time working Mum with a 3 month old.

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I can identify with you mummy. I'm also a working mum.There are times when it is really not my day. Stress at work, reach home another stress...Argh...sometimes really just want to get away and be alone. However, its good to talk to someone whom you can trust like your hubby, parents or even closed friends. I will also have a positive mind that tml will be a brand new day! I'll sometimes give myself a good treat to desserts!! Yummy!! Never fails to brighten up my day. Sometimes my LOs also makes me angry. I'll just step aside to cool down first. When I'm better I'll play with them or bring them out to play. Seeing them smiles I also happy!! =)

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