What are some practical ways I can balance love and discipline?

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Hello, I have been trying to balance the love and discipline tug of war with my kids all this while too :) In our case, I make it a point to tell my kids what behaviour is unacceptable, and tell them when I am disappointed. My kids are young, 2 and 8, but talking to them about what they are doing wrong and why it is not right has actually helped. Our kids are quite smart than we give them credit for, so I feel you could try this out too. For instance, when my younger one hit the older one and tried to hug me, I told her that I love her, but because she hit her sister, I would not hug her. She did realise the mistake.

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Its not difficult at all. As parents we need to strike a balance between being the kids' friends, give them loads of love as well as discipline them. Set certain rules and tell them why they need to follow it. My kids are very friendly with me and love me loads. Yet when it comes to manners, food, study, behavior I am very strict with them and they know that its for their betterment and its also a part of my love.

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