26 Replies

For mummy: 1) 1 big size shirt (button up) 2) 1 long skirt 3) Tooth brush + tooth paste 4) facial wipe/Dettol wipe (to wipe face and bottom ) 5) Dermacyn Wound Care Hydrogel (from Shopee/ Local Pharmacy) 6) Hydrocyn Aqua Wound Wash (from Shopee/ Loc Pharmacy) 7) Peri Bottle + (6) (to clean Episiotomy wound) 8) Sofy 42cm Sanitary Pad (1 pack) 9) 3 big size panty (disposable is very uncomfortable to wear) 10) 1 nursing bra 11) Disposable bra pad x 2 pairs 12) Corset (to wear immediately after birth if normal delivery) 13) Sock x 2 14) Head scarf / jacket with hoodie 15) sweater / jacket 16) Wu Jin Wan (to take right after birth. Blood clogs will be discharged on 2/3rd day and bleeding will reduce significantly just like 5th day of period) 17) pain killer (if needed) 18) Tungku electric /hot water bag (to massage breast /stomach) 18) Thermos + hot water (if hospital does not provide) 19) 3 in 1 oat (to boost milk production) 20) Snacks/ biscuits 21) breast pump (if needed) 22) Handphone charger 23) 3 ways adapter (if needed) For baby: 1) 2 pairs of long sleeve NB clothes (when go home) 2) baby hat x 1 3) Baby mitten set x 2 3) Diapers x 15 4) Wipes 5) Milk powder (to put in container and hide it) 6) small spoon + cup / dropper 7) Swaddle blanket x 2 8) baby head pillow 9) Ru Yi You /oilment 10) Diaper rash cream/ Coconut oil 11) baby toiletries (travel kit) 12) Travel changing mat (if needed)

Depending on which hospital you have chosen for your delivery. You may call them to check on what is provided for you. Try not to overpack as bringing them home is another headache. I was provided the pyjamas suitable for breastfeeding, bedroom slippers and toiletries so I excluded them from my hospital bag. Personally, I find a pair of sock is essential in the delivery ward as one might feel slightly cold with the long labour hours.

Which hospital will you be having baby at? Depending on where you're staying and whether hubby will be staying with you and what type of room you'll be staying in it will affect what you pack. Generally some clothes, maternity pads if you don't like the hospital ones, toiletries (though some hosp provides them), phone charger and your marriage cert/bank statements/IC to register for birth cert and to open CDA acc.

Hi Felicia mummy, Congrats and some of the things are very important to bring along (for me): - night and long sanitary pad - 1 set of pajamas - handphone charger - sock - disposable underwear - facial wash and moisturer - disposal pad - milk pump (optional) if you forget anything, no fear, just get your hubby to get it for you..heee jia you :)

- 1 or 2 sets of Pajamas, preferbly those with buttons so that its easier when breasfeeding. - night use pads - nursing bras - disposable panties - toothbrush & face wash - hp charger - cardigan or shawl as the delivery suite is cold - bedroom slippers - breastfeeding pillow - set of baby clothes when going home

for baby 2 pair of clothes nb diaper 4 pcs,1 receiving blanket 2 booties 2 mittens 2 baby hats and 1 overall para pag uwi namin wet wipes lactysd for baby bath oil alcohol 2 lampin for me 2 duster 3 undies 1 nursing bra 1 pack maternity napkin betadine feminine wash.

Promo terbesar expert care sudah dimulai, diskon hingga Rp.100.000 sedang berlangsung di shopee, ada juga voucher diskon 100% alias gratis bagi bunda yang beruntung. Buruan cek di https://shope.ee/9UfEMMqqTg (id-12519)

A set of clothing that you wear on discharge, a set of newborn clothing , pads. You may take a look on the guide here. http://singaporemotherhood.com/articles/2012/10/your-hospital-delivery-bag-checklist/

My clothes, babies clothes, phine charger, marriage cert, ic, bank statements, cpf, ear piece, toiletries. The rest hospital will have, so i pack the minimal as possible.

a set of baby new clothing toothbrush & toothpaste charger jacket (in case cold) sock (to keep warm) facial stuff nursing bra panties clothing