What scares you
What is your biggest fear?
That my baby girl will get pregnant at 16 and comes home with her heavily tattooed boyfriend twice her age saying she wants to get married.
Losing my unborn child during labour or through miscarriage. It's my first pregnancy and my sister-in-law just had a miscarriage
To have a very serious illness or die while my baby is still young. I am afraid that she might not be well taken cared of.
My biggest fear I donno if it's a fear or what but am always questioning myself on how my baby will look like...
Same here🤦
C-section and I'm always worried about delivering stillbirth or what if umbrical cord is rapped around my baby's neck🤦
My biggest fear is losing my love ones ( husband, children, parents). Losing close friends is something I dont wish too.
That i wont be able to protect my children well enough, and that i would fail in teaching them there values and morals.
Fear of losing my wife or kids... family means a lot to us and loosing any of them would leave us shattered.
Having a second son and he passes away too. story on this my should be 5 year old son passed away at 5 months 3 days.
Biggest fear : Children - no major illness, i rather be the one suffering than them. Husband - Affair. Violence.
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Dreaming of becoming a parent